Production Planning and Control of Fall 2018

The Production Planning and Control course of Fall 2018 has been completed. On 30 November and 6 December 2018, the students presented the result of their group project works.

The project works focused on the roles of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Advanced Robotics, Internet of Things, Big Data, etc. in production planning and control. Some groups worked on the impacts of new production requirements, such as lot size one and green manufacturing, on the production planning and control activities. For each topic, the students had to elaborate the challenges and opportunities and to find some case studies and application examples.

The goals of the project work is to give the students some ideas how the contents of production and planning course, i.e. demand forecasting, capacity planning, aggregate and workforce planning, material requirement planning, lot-sizing, sequencing and scheduling, shop floor control, and production tracking, are applied in some use cases and how new production contexts affect them.