Head of the Research Group

Research Associates and PhD students

Research and Teaching Assistants

Research Students

Abrham Amanu Eshetu

Research topic: Revolutionizing Mobility: Unveiling the potential of Artificial Intelligence in Cooperative, Connective and Automated Mobility (CCAM)

Ari Platow

Research topic: Factors affecting the willingness of consumers to adopt Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility: A structural Equation Modelling Analysis

Bati Lemma Gudissa

Research Topic: Effective route planning using Machine Learning and Explainable AI

Girum Eneyew Mengistu

Research topic: Conducting a causal analysis for sustainable transportation based on a case study using causal discovery methods into the analysis of time series data

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Research topic: Analysing links among factors driving voluntary carbon offsetting through causal machine learning

Heonyoung Jeong

Research topic: Causal Discovery and analysis of power consumption time series of CNC machine

Ian Ruvuto Kampwanyi

Research topic: Predicting train delays with causal machine learning

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Research topic: The necessity of network security for data protections implementation of network security

Karim Tariq Abualrish

Research topic: Leveraging AI to generate personalized educational content to help optimize time, effort, and cost

Ku Chul Jung

Research topic: Development of metrics to measure the explainability of machine learning models for digital twin

Melisa Engin

Research topic: The role of digital twin in production and demand planning

Mohamed Mourad Ouazghire

Research topic: Explainable AI for Object Detection in 3D PointClouds

Pakin Veerachanchai

Research topic: Automated generation of reinforcement learning environment

Ramin Udash

Research topic: Object detection from 3D images of digital twin assets for transport infrastructure management using explainable deep learning approach

Sarang Sonar

Research topic: Leveraging Large Language Models for reducing the drug development cycle

Shubhankar Bhattarai

Research topic: Efficient routing with GTFS data for public transportation using explainable machine learning

Swaresh Suresh Divekar

Research topic: The role of causal machine learning to improve decision making in Supply Chain Management

Syed Muhammad Ali Hashmi

Research topic: Environmental impact of automobiles emissions using causal machine learning

Urszula Anna Salwa

Research topic: Predictive maintenance of aircraft components: Impact of using explainable machine learning on cost, safety, and efficiency

Yezlim Naomi Baca Morales

Research topic: Exploring autoregressive models in TensorFlow through the application of energy forecasting

Youssef Ghribi

Research topic: Comparative analysis of traditional and AI autoregressive models for enhancing demand forecasting

Former Members

Former Research Students

Aizhan Taubayeva

Digital twins enablement in manufacturing: Conceptual model of digital twins and their impact on sustainability

Blen Daniel Assefa

Research topic: Causal machine learning to improve software project management

Hani Alnahas

Research topic: Deep reinforcement learning for industrial task scheduling: A2C approach

Ilyas Benyamna

Research topic: Object detection and semantic annotation from 3D images of digital twin assets for transport infrastructure management using machine learning

Paula Meisterknecht

Identifying essential ESG key performance Indicators of the automotive industry: An Industry based survey using MCDM methods

Rena Ibrahimova

Research topic: Deep reinforcement learning for Industrial task scheduling: PPO algorithm approach

Urfan Alvani

Research topic: Trustable plant disease detection using explainable deep learning approach